



The Engagement

For John and Gerri, it’s love at first sight. From the moment John moves in with her it seems they were born to be together. But Gerri’s secret will turn their romance into a nightmare…


The Enemies

Basing itself on Henrik Ibsen's 1883 play An Enemy of the People, this devised production explores the notions of environmentalism and social and family politics.



Through a combination of movement theatre, music and film projection, Fragments interacts with the ideas and life of Antonin Artaud in an attempt to create a new dynamic relationship between performance and audience.


My Name’s Macbeth

Macbeth is a soldier. After returning from combat, he struggles with what he has seen and done. This adaptation of Shakespeare's play explores the elements of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder present in the original text and re-tells the story in a raw, unsettling and daring way.



In a Gentlemen's Club destined to sell decadence, excess and sex, KDC's production of Oscar Wilde's Salomé paints a portrait of lust and power, and what happens when those are abused. Telling the biblical story from a modern perspective, this version exposes a certain brutal nature and lack of morality present in almost everyone.