The Enemies
The Enemies
Based on Henrik Ibsen's 1883 play 'An Enemy of the People', this devised production explores the notions of environmentalism and social and family politics.
El: Eleanor Neylon
Johnny: Jonathan Parr
Laura: Laura Vivio
Director: Laura Dorn
Writer: Devised by the company, based on Henrik Ibsen’s ‘Enemy of the People’
Producers: Laura Dorn
Set design: Laura Dorn and the company
Photographer: Paul Alistair Collins
“The work of director Laura Dorn is to be praised, as the play manages to throw people directly into its reality and wastes no time introducing characters or plot ****”
— Alex Hayward, London Pub Theatres
“A thoughtful and deliberately chaotic show (...), the acting is faultless, with El[eanor Neylon]’s corporate outlook as palpable as Johnny [Parr]’s periodic discomfort at treading the line between two diametrically opposed viewpoints ****”
— Chris Omaweng, London Theatre1
“The issues of business interest versus public health that are dealt with, demonstrate a strong grasp of the themes of Ibsen’s original work and a promising narrative to develop.”
— Beth Partington, The Spy in the Stalls
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